Flame Industries Limited Dupont Seminar 2015 - Protection Technologies Workshop

Flame Industries Limited in association with DuPont Protection technologies held their Seminar, entitled “Protection Technologies for The Oil and Gas Industry Workshop” on Wednesday July 29th 2015 at Safety Plus Limited, Point Lisas.

The seminar was held as part of Flame Industries ongoing Campaign to educate End Users and other Stakeholders about the Unique Features of Nomex® and the relationship between Flame Industries Limited and DuPont™ Protection Technologies.

Our main aim was to speak with our end users and other Stakeholders, one on one, about the various changes and challenges that are currently occurring and present in our Industry in relation to Fire Resistant Clothing, and this was certainly accomplished. We were also successful in assisting in educating them on the unique features of Nomex® as well as the relationship between Flame Industries and DuPont Protection Technologies.

We are so happy to have provided this platform for this much needed discussion. The active and vocal stance taken by our audience members made for a very lively, interactive and beneficial session.

Thank you to our attendees once again for showing your interest and support towards making our workplaces and employees safer. For those that were not present, our one request is that browse the below links. These will direct you to all the Literature and Slides shared during the presentation. Hopefully, this will provide you with the knowledge needed to make a wise and informed decision when it comes to the Purchase and Wear of FRC Clothing. Please pass on the message. Share the information you read with your family members who wear Nomex® on a daily basis. Inform a Co worker who has the power at his/her hands to make the right decision. Tell a friend who simply doesn't know! Do your part to protect!


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Flame Industries Limited also carries a Range of other DuPont® products such as Tyvek/TyChem Disposable suits. Whether you’re in Chemical, Agriculture, Manufacturing or Maintenance, there’s an Industry Leading DuPont® Material suited to the job you need to get done.