Southern Supplies Limited host their Divali Program 2015

Under the distinguished patronage of His Worship, the Mayor Alderman, Haji Kazim Hosein, Southern Supplies Limited, in association with Knox Street and Environs, Midtown Associates hosted their Annual Divali Celebrations on Friday October 30th, 2015.

Attendees were treated to a variety of highly entertaining Cultural Items such as thrilling dances from the Paramjyoti School of Dance, lead by Ms. Leena Yara and Ms. Priya Persad, specially trained in Indian Classical Kathak Dance and Folk Dance as well as harmonious traditional songs by Ms. Kathy Ann Pariman and members of the Hare Krishna Movement. Christopher Seetahal, Form 3 Student of Naparima College thrilled with his renditions on our National instrument. Also giving spirited musical performances were the Maharaj Brothers and Friends.

Our Orchestra for the event, was the marvelous Andaaz International, who sang a variety of renditions from Classical to Modern to Religious.

With every event, there is a list of Thank you’s. This one is no exception. It literally takes a busload of persons to pull this one off! Our gratitude goes without saying to the following persons and Corporate entities who were responsible for making this event successful:- Citibakes, Gourmet Genie, Raj Transport, Colkurt Transport, Rycon Transport, Modern Printing, New India Assurance, Spacy’s Creative Services, Islandwide Pest Services, Hansil Jagoonanan, Maltie’s Pholourie,Minawatee and Rakesh Mangra, Valini’s Drug Mart, Premiere Labels, Arnold Ali and Shivum Samaroo, Affan’s Bakery, COSTATT, Greenway Flowers, Zen Garden Spa, Knox Street and Environs and Midtown Associates.

To the Construction Crew of SSL (inclusive of the Electrical and Welding Team), your hard work and dedication to this event is most admirable. Thank you for your patience and commitment.

SPECIAL MENTION must be made of the Members of the International society for Krishna consciousness for their exceptional support and immeasurable contribution. We are truly humbled.

Do enjoy pictures of the event and we hope that come next year, you will all join us! We promise you a memorable and enjoyable experience. HAPPY DIVALI!!

Below are some images of the event, visit our facebook page to see more.