Southern Supplies Limited Participated in Breast Cancer Awareness, October 2015

The month of October, dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness, is over, but the cause should not be forgotten, as there is still a lot of work to be done.
While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same, as this continues to be an essential key in curtailing the disease.
The SSL Group of Companies, have lent their Support to this very important cause through various mediums. Firstly, Awareness Tokens were sold throughout the month of October to our Employees, as well as In Store to our Customers. These included pens, pins, ribbons and handbands. Our Team at the AMCHAM 2015 Conference wore these ribbons on the first day of the Exhibition. All proceeds were donated to the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society.
Our staff was sent literature with the various steps to a Self Exam, aimed at providing the necessary information needed for greater awareness, as well as on Friday October 30th,2015 members were encouraged to wear pink to show their Support. Thank you Team!! Job well done!! Special Kudos to Real Mean who wore Pink!

To Ms. Cathleen Farrell, Projects Assistant at the T&T Cancer Society and Team, thank you for your guidance in this Pink Initiative. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and commend your Team for your exceptional efforts in raising awareness, advocating for early diagnosis, treatment and most importantly your unconditional support to those affected and their families during this difficult time.


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